Attorney-Client Relationship:

The use of this website, the information contained herein or any interpretation of the contents of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to create, nor should it be construed as creating, an Attorney-Client relationship at any time. You should be aware that any information sent through the website or by means of communication does not create an Attorney-Client relationship or confidentiality obligations by the mere fact that you have contacted the Firm through official channels. All content presented to the general public on this website is not a solicitation to represent you and in no way creates an Attorney-Client relationship.



You should not interpret this website as an invitation to send us confidential information, information without having previously established an Attorney-Client relationship between the Firm and you by means of a letter of commitment signed by the parties for the provision of services. If you require legal advice and wish to establish an Attorney-Client relationship with Cuesta Campos, please contact one of our attorneys who will attend to your needs and carry out the process of contracting the appropriate service.


No Legal or professional advice:

This website contains general information on various topics, information that should not be considered legal or professional advice as it may not be current and may not effectively reflect legal developments on the various topics discussed. This content is not intended to be, and should not be relied upon as legal advice, and if you require any legal advice, you should consult an attorney with specific knowledge of the subject matter to address your particular situation. No recipient of the information contained on this website or in any marketing materials should act or refrain from acting on the basis of the content in any particular situation.


Liability for errors or omissions by the reader: 

This web page may present errors or be omitted in including certain information, since its objective is only informative and does not intend to give legal advice to the reader, as well as in no way assures, confirms and establishes as current information at the time of reading, nor much reflects the particularity that each of the cases may contain. Likewise, the website has links to other websites of which we do not guarantee that the information contained is current. Therefore, Cuesta Campos will not be responsible for the interpretation of the contents of the web page that you use, since it does not constitute legal advice, nor Attorney-Client relationship, much less reflects the particularity of the case that intends to solve with the information contained in the web page of the Firm.


No guarantee of results:

The information, ratings, and results of past cases contained in the content about Cuesta Campos attorneys are not guarantees of future results. Cuesta Campos makes no representations as to the results of any case because each case has its own peculiarities, applicable law, circumstances and counterparts, and one cannot rely on the past to guarantee the future, therefore you agree and understand that in no way should the information contained in this website should not be construed in any way as a guarantee of results. All results are subject to the law and to the interpretation of the competent judicial and administrative authorities of our country (Mexico). We establish from this moment that there is no guarantee of results in Cuesta Campos.