The sale of shares in Mexico is a type of disposal that generates significant tax effects, particularly in relation to Income Tax (“ISR”). The tax treatment varies depending on the parties involved, i.e., individuals, corporations, Mexican residents or foreign residents. This article seeks to detail the tax implications of this type of transactions, applying the current provisions established in the Income Tax Law (“LISR”) and other relevant tax regulations.
Mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) are complex processes that require careful evaluation and strategy to secure their success. Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is now playing an important role, innovating the way in which these transactions are carried out and providing useful tools for efficient decision making, process execution and risk reduction. The main focus of this article is to analyze how AI contributes to efficient, well-informed and less error-prone M&A procedures, as well as the role of lawyers in these deals through the application of such tools.
The purpose of this document is to describe, in an executive manner, the necessary requirements and procedures to: (i) obtain an authorization to operate as a Popular Financial Society (Sociedades Financieras Populares “Sofipo” by its acronym in Spanish) or as a Banking Institution (Instituciones de Banca Múltiple “IBM” by its acronym in Spanish); or (ii) acquire or transfer the shares comprising the capital stock of those Sofipos or IBMs that are currently authorized to operate as each financial institution by the corresponding authorities.
Last July 19th, 2024, the Ministry of Economy (hereinafter “ME”) published the “Notice announcing the names of the holders and numbers of the Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Services Industry Programs suspended”, through which more than 300 companies were listed.
In connection with the above, it is important to recall the main obligations of companies authorized to operate an IMMEX Program.
We are just a few days away from an event of great importance for the future of our country: the electoral process, where more than 20,000 federal and local public offices will be voted next Sunday, June 2nd all over the country.
Nearshoring may be summarized as a business trend of moving commercial activities to a geographically closer country.
Given the 14 free trade agreements that Mexico has executed as well as its geographical position, are a key to enhance the development of the economy through nearshoring, which is why it is necessary to innovate to new challenges that logistics issues represent.
Is it applicable to my company?
When certain scenarios are met, all Mexican companies that have foreign investment in their capital stock are subject to file quarterly and annual notifications before the National Registry of Foreign Investment (“RNIE”).
Mexican tax law is based on the concept of "source of wealth" to determine when the
payment of the income tax "IT" is applicable, to ensure different taxpayers to pay such tax in
Mexican territory, even when such taxpayers are foreign residents. Therefore, if a foreign
resident obtains income in Mexico,
Introduction: A key important matter for the operation of a company is the appointment of the
individuals for its representation, (who will be members of the administration body or special
attorneys in fact for specific matters). The appointment entails certain responsibilities and
obligations inherent to each of those positions. The appointed individuals may be held
accountable on behalf of the company in relation to their level of responsibility and liability.
On December 9th, 2019, it was published in the Official Gazette a Decree whereby: (i) the Income Tax Law (ITL), (ii) the Value Added Tax Law (VATL), and the (iii) Federal Tax Code (FTC) were modified. These amendments came into effect on January 1st, 2020.
The innovative aspects and the evolution of financial technologies have allowed for a strong positioning in the market, transforming the world and marking the beginning of a new era.