
Adjustments on tariffs from the footwear, manufacture and textile industries.

On April 10th, 2019, the Ministry of Economy published two decrees, through the Federal Official Gazette (DOF for its acronym in Spanish and from here on), which modify the General Import and Export Tax Law, as well as the general decrees for imports at the northern border region and the promotion of the manufacture and export service industries, which impact directly the footwear, textile and manufacture industries.

This publication derives from the scheme to gradually reduce tariffs that apply to the diverse economic sectors, including the footwear and textile industries, which were published in May 10th, 2016, at the DOF.

Regarding the footwear industry, tariffs between 10% and 30% are imposed to 70 TIGIE products, which will be valid and in full force 15 days after its DOF publication. However, 15 of such tariffs related to products such as plastic sandals, formal footwear and children footwear will be reduced from 25% and 30% to 20% 180 days after the present decree’s entry into force. Also, 28 products regarding sports footwear will be valid for 180 days.

Regarding the manufacture and textile industry, 282 tariffs will be between 10% and 25% and will be valid 15 days after its DOF publication. 64 of such tariffs will be valid for 180 calendar days. Moreover, approximately 200 products will have a 20% tariff that will be valid 180 after the present decrees’ publication.

Finally, 89 tariffs will be added to the northern border region and the border region as well as 210 tariffs will be added to the Manufacture, Textile and Export Services Industry (IMMEX for its acronym in Spanish).

Regarding the footwear industry, 27 tariffs at the border region and the northern border region are added.

If you have any questions, request our assistance or additional information, please contact us.


Rafael Sánchez

Franscela Sapien

The above is provided as general information prepared by professionals with regard to the subject matter. This document only refers to the applicable law in Mexico. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions. The information contained herein should not be relied on as legal, accounting or professional advice being rendered.