Client Alert

COVID-19: Sanitary Contingency.

By order of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a general resolution was issued in order to establish several measures regarding the worrying situation that is the spread of the COVID-19.

The following precautions should be taken based on the terms of the decree:

1. Protect any group of people vulnerable to the COVID-19, which are: a) the elderly; b) pregnant women; c) any person with health problems such as diabetes or hypertension, which shall not be present at the work center.

2. Activities not necessary to face the contingency, could implement a reduced workday and maintain the required sanitary and hygiene measures.

3. The employer must implement a COVID-19 contingency program describing all preventive measures.

4. Any activities carried out from home must be paid in full, according to any agreement generated with the employee.

Additionally, employers may reach agreements with unionized employees in order to suspend and agree the benefits to be paid, and this agreement must be submitted to the Labor Board for its approval and possible recommendation.

In the absence of a decree that declares a sanitary contingency, is not applicable to suspend the work relationship, with a compensation of 30 minimum wage days, although this communication may change on the future.

For any questions or additional information, please contact us.


Gerardo Valencia García de Quevedo

Karla Jiménez

Sandra Chávez

The above is provided as general information prepared by professionals with regard to the subject matter. This document only refers to the applicable law in Mexico. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions. The information contained herein should not be relied on as legal, accounting or professional advice being rendered.