Client Alert

Criteria for vulnerable group through the reopening of economic activities.

On July 27th, 2020, the Federal Government issued some recommendations regarding people considered vulnerable and the special care that needs to be taken in their return to work; said document establishes a procedure to determine the values of vulnerability as follows:

The workplace must identify employees with an ill condition defined as vulnerable in order to determinate if the pathology control against COVID-19 may imply a complication or even cause death.

In general terms, the Federal Government established that pregnant woman, people with morbid obesity, elderly adults without comorbidities, people living with uncontrolled systemic hypertension, people living with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, hearth or brain condition, people with chronic kidney disease, people with pathological conditions with immunosuppressive treatment and people living with HIV, may only return to work when the traffic-light system is yellow in the regions where they render their services. However, breast-feeding women can only return to work when their phase has concluded without establishing a mandatory color for them to return.

On the other hand, Federal Authorities established that people with cancer and people who have more than one of the above listed diseases, may only return to work when the traffic-light system is green with low risk of contagion.

Please bear in mind that this criteria has to be validated with State Governments accords, who, in collaboration with the Federal Government, determine the epidemiological traffic-light in which the region is located, and may issue different or additional provisions to what is established according to the Federal Authorities’ criteria mentioned in this brief.

Finally, as previously mentioned, it is fundamental for the company to have a registry or binnacle for the diseases and vulnerable conditions presented by workers, so that the measures issued by the companies are fully complied with health authorities.

If you have any questions, require our assistance or additional information, please contact us.


Gerardo Valencia García de Quevedo

Karla Jiménez

Sandra Chávez

The above is provided as general information prepared by professionals with regard to the subject matter. This document only refers to the applicable law in Mexico. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions. The information contained herein should not be relied on as legal, accounting or professional advice being rendered.