14 May Administrative Agreement establishing a strategy for the reopening of activities and a traffic light system to evaluate each region.
On March 31st, 2020, the Administrative Agreement that ordered the immediate suspension of non-essential activities from March 30th to April 30th, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the same period that was extended to May 30 through an Agreement published on April 21st, 2020.
Through these Agreements, it was established that the reopening of activities must be done in a gradual, orderly and cautious manner, and on May 14th, 2020, an Agreement was published establishing said strategy for the reopening of social, educational and economic activities of the country, as well as a traffic light system by regions to assess the epidemiological risk weekly related to reopening in each state.
The strategy for reopening consists of different stages:
Stage 1 will begin on May 18th, 2020, and consists in the reopening activities of municipalities that have not presented any case of SARS-Cov2 and that do not adjoin municipalities that do have a presence of the virus. The Ministry of Health will issue a technical statement on May 17th, 2020, with the list of the municipalities to which they refer.
Stage 2 will take place from May 18th to May 31st, 2020, and consists of the general application of measures to prepare for the reopening, such as those indicated in the Checklist issued by the IMSS consisting of protocols hygiene and prevention, training, delivery of protective equipment, among others.
Stage 3 will start on June 1st, 2020, and refers to the reopening of activities under the traffic light system.
Said “traffic light system” is intended to establish through colors (red, orange, yellow and green) the health safety measures that must be taken and it must be updated every week by the corresponding Health Authorities criteria’s in all the Federal Entities. The system consists of:
- The red color, which is the current phase in most municipalities, requires the suspension of schools, activities in public spaces, and in terms of economic activities, only the ones consider as essential should continue with their activities.
- The orange color refers to the fact that schools must continue to be suspended, public space activities may begin with a reduced capacity and the ones in closed places must remain suspended, as well as essential activities may continue to work in the terms previously established and non-essential activities may return to work with some restrictions.
- The yellow color establishes that schools must continue to be suspended and activities in public spaces may continue with the capacity allowed and in closed places with additional restrictions, while all general economic activities may resume.
- The green color establishes that schools, activities in public spaces and general economic activities may return without restrictions.
If you have any questions, require our assistance or additional information, please contact us.
Gerardo Valencia García de Quevedo
Karla Jiménez
Sandra Chávez