


クエスタ・カンポスは、世界の主要な自動車会社や、自動車業界向けの部品・消耗品・サービスを提供するTier1およびTier2サプライヤーを代表してきた豊富な経験を持っています。 組立作業、製造、設計要件、スケジューリング、リードタイム、品質管理、サプライチェーン、その他の物流上の課題が複雑に絡み合っているため、この業界には独自のニーズがあり、Cuesta Camposは、企業、M&A、独占禁止法、コンプライアンス、知的財産、不動産など、複数の分野にわたるサポート戦略を設計しています。




Legal representation and advice for a leading company in the automotive sector focused on engineering, design and manufacturing of products for major car companies. Cuesta Campos supported on the implementation of internal policies to handle the commercial relationship with third parties, drafting the documentation required to comply with antitrust law and at the same time ensuring brand protection in the market.


Legal advice for the development of two large automotive plants in Mexico, which involved the joint partnership between an international design and construction firm and one of the most important suppliers of construction material worldwide.


Advice to Japanese suppliers of auto parts on the establishment of operations in Mexico, including acquisition of real estate or negotiation of built-to-suit leases or leases with industrial park operators, as well as legal due diligence and incorporation of Mexican subsidiaries under the form and structures appropriate to their business needs.


Joint venture transaction under a global cooperation agreement in the automotive industry, concerning the development and operation of an assembly plant of premium passenger cars in Mexico. This outstanding deal involved advice on M&A, antitrust, real estate, corporate, labor & employment, foreign trade and tax matters.


Legal advice for the development of two large automotive plants in Mexico, which involved the joint partnership between an international design and construction firm and one of the most important suppliers of construction material worldwide.


Representación y asesoría legal para la creación de un contrato de asociación (Joint Venture) entre entidades canadienses y mexicanas para la fabricación de refacciones para la industria automotriz. Nuestra firma preparó y negoció cada uno de los documentos requeridos para la realización de esta operación, incluyendo los derechos de preferencia y limitación de responsabilidades del cliente.