Client Alert

First Non-Conventional Trademarks Registered Before the Mexican Trademark Office.

Since the Amends to the Industrial Property Law of May 18, 2018, currently in Mexico, besides being able to apply for registrations of conventional trademarks, that is, denominations, figurative components and/or three-dimensional shapes, you can also request protection of holographic signs, certification trademarks, sounds, smells and trade dress, which are known as non-conventional trademarks.

Among the first certificates of registration issued by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, are the following:

  1. Bamboo-smelling paint, owned by the company Sureste Sustentable S.A. de C.V.
  2. Decorative flowerpot (trade dress) from the designer Germán Flores.
  3. The smell of the modelling dough Play-Doh, property of Hasbro, Inc.
  4. The sound consisting on the three tinkles when hitting the glass with a spoon, to order coffee, from Gran Café de la Parroquia de Veracruz.

Should you have any question or require our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Mauricio Chozas

Lorena Pinto

The above is provided as general information prepared by professionals with regard to the subject matter. This document only refers to the applicable law in Mexico. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions. The information contained herein should not be relied on as legal, accounting or professional advice being rendered.